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Wanted Admiralty chart folios - W Scotland & NI

Hamish Brown

Hamish Brown
Boat name
Millport Bay
Boat type
Moody 38
Cruising area
West Coast of Scotland
I believe the Admiralty folios are no longer available. There are still a few suppliers still selling on line but I thought I'd check if anyone has these folio packs and would be interested in selling, perhaps no longer sailing in these areas :

SC5611 West Coast Scotland - Mull of Kintyre to Point of Ardnamurchan
SC5616 South West Scotland - Point of Arnamurchan to Shiant Islands
SC5612 Northern Ireland - Carlingford Lough to Lough Foyle

Many thanks,
I'm still looking for these Admiralty chart packs - especially the two folio packs covering west coast Scotland.